Zayn Malik's GQ Magazine Cover

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Main Image:  The main image is of Zayn Malik who is a celebrity endorsement but is also a GQ award winner of most stylish man of the year as it says in the magazine. The use of a close up shot could show that he has nothing to his and he is inviting you closer into his world, which makes the audience want to buy it to learn more about him. Also there is a lot of negative space which shows makes Zayn the centre of visual interest.

Anchorage:   The second biggest piece of text is the ‘ Zayn Malik’ which show his importance to the magazine and is on his picture, and in smaller text on the right hand side are other celebrity names who are featured in the magazine.

Slogan:  the slogan says ‘ The 20th Anniversary Men Of The Year Awards Special Issue’ which makes it sound exclusive and it shows that the magazine has been around for a long time proving its success.

Masthead:  The masthead is very simple and does not go across the top of it and is instead in the left hand corner as well as covering a bit of the cover star. Furthermore the word ‘British’ on the ‘G’ shows that it is an international brand and has multiple GQ around the world.

Direct address:  Zayn also is making direct eye contact with the audience which makes him look more approachable this is further solidified by him wearing all white giving off the illusion of innocents and purity which is contrasted by his tattoos on display.

Skyline:   On the corner of the magazine it say collectors edition which show that it is a special edition and they are limited time and copies, making it much more exclusive and making people more likely to by a copy.

Cover lines:  There are multiple cover lines appealing to the magazines A/B/C1 socio economic groups as it talks about Culture, Sports, Fashion and Tech


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